Monday, October 26, 2009

Our Beautiful Bryn

So Jamie and I tried to get Bryn to lay down so we could take a picture, she thought it was so funny to fall down and put her legs up in the air. I love this picture because it shows her little personality!
I love how every new thing gets her so excited. It reminds you what the important things are in life.

You are my little angel Bryn, You are so beautiful, You are truly a Princess of Heavenly Father. I love you so much, Keep your special little spirit shining through.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day at the Park

I actually was able to get a picture of bryners half smile. She is starting to get attached to my dad. She loves to hold his hand.
Me and Bryners Feeding the duckies, her favorite

Me and Bryners going down the slide together, OUR favorite

Bryners cousin AJ catching Bryn and the end of the slide. HE is so sweet.

Going on the big circle thing. Bryn is saying "WEE"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Big Girl Bed

It's offical.... Bryn is sleeping in her big girl bed. And she loves it! AND tonight she actually went to sleep with a sippie and not a baba! I am so proud of my big girl!

Friday, October 2, 2009

One of my Favorite Nieces

My niece just got engaged to this handsome devil. I am so excited for them! Congradulations Mil